
Showing posts from October, 2021

OEM Contract Manufacturer In China

  Dongguan Sincere Tech is proud to support OEM manufacturer services with plastic or metal product solutions that help companies meet the fast-changing market. That is why we are not onlymaking mold and molded products, but also makeoffer OEM manufacturing service from part design, testing, PCB board, assembly, packing etc. a completely solutions using innovative manufacturing techniques. Sincere Tech wants to partner with you together and make great successful in the world market. OEM contract manufacturing Services We have been offering plastic contract manufacturing service since 2014, at the first we make plastic molds for the overseas companies, since some of our customer requirement some assembly service so we opened assembly company in 2018. What are contract manufacturing services OEM manufacturing services in the electronical or industry sector that require extensive R&D and large-scale manufacturing facilities. They include contract development research outsourcing and c